Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

linea anatomica humeri

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Top level res incorporea Short Extended
Level 2 linea anatomica Short Extended
Level 3 linea anatomica bona fide Short Extended
Current level linea anatomica humeri
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
66069 13735
linea anatomica humeri
anatomical line of humerus
75075 945 part
margo medialis corporis humeri
medial border of shaft of humerus
75077 948 part
margo lateralis corporis humeri
lateral border of shaft of humerus
74573 937 part
sulcus intertubercularis humeri
intertubercular sulcus of humerus ; bicipital groove of humerus
75076 946 part
crista supraepicondylaris medialis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris medialis corporis humeri
medial supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; medial supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75078 949 part
crista supraepicondylaris lateralis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris lateralis corporis humeri
lateral supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; lateral supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75815 947 part
(processus supracondylaris corporis humeri )
(supracondylar process of shaft of humerus )
7 items
19 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 13735
Number of children 18 (validated)
Number of units 7 (validated)
Signature 3868 (validated since 15.10.2024)
Date: 08.01.2025